Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Phrasal Verbs with Wear ?? - Learn Phrasal Verbs for FCE

English Phrasal Verbs with Wear ?? - Learn Phrasal Verbs for FCE In this post you will find a list of   English Phrasal Verbs with WEAR. Whether you are learning English for fun or preparing for IELTS, FCE or TOEFL, you will need to know the meanings of these phrasal verbs.You should write down your own sentences for the ones you think you want to incorporate into your English vocabulary. This exercise will help you improve English skills, both speaking and writing. English Phrasal Verbs with WEAR WEAR AWAY to disappear, to reduce gradually because something has been used a lotex. We couldnt make out the names on the door because the letters had been completely worn away.A bit of grass was worn away because of spring football practice.WEAR DOWNto reduce opposition graduallyex. The “Iron Curtain” was an essential plank of the Cold War strategy to  wear down the resistance of people.The strategy was  designed to wear down  the enemys resistance.WEAR SOMETHING DOWNto use to a point where it starts to deteriorateex. I bought this jacket a year ago, but I wear it every day so it is completely worn down.WEAR OFFto become less intense, to stop graduallyex. Your nervousness will wear off once the exams are over.The effect of this drug should wear off in a couple of hours.WEAR OUTto make  someone  feel  very  tired, to exhaustex. Hard  work will wear you out if you do not take breaks.Worrying over  work will wear you out.WEAR (SOMETHING) OUTto use to a point where it cannot be used anymoreex. Well have to replace this wire, it is completely worn out. Phrasal Verbs with WEAR Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you can do next: English Idioms with WEAR WEAR AND TEARmeaning: the damage that happens to something in daily use during a period of time (clothes, furniture, ones health)ex. This carpet is made from special fibres and should stand a lot of wear and tear.Rental cars might not have a lot of miles or any obvious damage, but the engine is likely to have a lot of wear and tear.This material is very strong. It should stand a lot of wear and tear.

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